Fees based on the opening times of 50 weeks of the year
Prices effective from 1st September 2018
Monthly Fees 0 – 2 Year Olds 2 – 3 Year Olds 3 – 5 Year Olds
1 Day a week £325 per month £313 per month Please enquire within
2 Days a week £650 per month £625 per month for fees with and without
3 Days a week £975 per month £938 per month free entitlement
4 Days a week £1,300 per month £1,250 per month
5 Days a week £1,625 per month £1,563 per month
Sessions for full time are 08:00 - 18:00hrs.
Early starts before 8am or late finishes to be charged at £7.50.
Payments in advance by direct debit or standing order each month.
We can accept all childcare vouchers.
Upon registration there will be a £100 non-refundable deposit.
At the end of each year fees will be reviewed to take effect from September.
The fees do not include the Early Years Free Entitlement.
We are closed over the Christmas and one week in the summer time.